Urgent Call: IOM Should Open Shelters for Displaced and Stranded Migrant Workers in Lebanon
We need urgent intervention to ensure that an emergency shelter is set up by the IOM for stranded and displaced migrant workers and communities in Lebanon.
We need urgent intervention to ensure that an emergency shelter is set up by the IOM for stranded and displaced migrant workers and communities in Lebanon.
Lebanon is at war, and marginalized communities need our help now more than ever. As an anti-racist organization, we’re committed to supporting those often overlooked in humanitarian emergencies.
تقوم الطبقة الحاكمة اللبنانية بمنع التضامن بين الطبقات العمّالية عن طريق استغلال العمال السوريين والعاملات السوريات ونشر الكراهية ضدّ السوريين. يقدم هذا التقرير رؤی جديدة لمحنة اللاجئين السوريين في لبنان.
2023 was unbelievably painful, terrifying, and deadly for our many communities. We experienced xenophobia, racism, homophobia, and transphobia, with relentless attacks on migrant activists, Syrian communities, and LGBTIQ people.
On the occasions of World Day for Refugees and the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, we urge the Lebanese authorities to
respect their international obligations and put an end to their practices of refoulement and torture.
News reports in February 2024 highlight more incitement against, more fees for recruiting migrant workers, and concerning cases of abuse and exploitation.
We opened up 2024 with disturbing stories of racism against migrant workers in Lebanon. From underreported murders to exploitative labor practices and biased media narratives, this report sheds light on the systemic marginalization, dehumanization, and violations that migrant communities face in the country.
Racism in Lebanon targets refugees as well as their children, with hospitals denying their rights, even in death, and media outlets portraying their integration in schools as a “threat.”
After a long hiatus, here’s our news roundup report for July 2023, compiling news about migrants and refugees in Lebanon, and the region.
نعمل في حركة مناهضة العنصرية بجهد على العديد من النشاطات والمبادرات المختلفة. معظم نشاطنا تعدّ في الإمكان بفضل فريق من المتطوعين/ات يعمل مع فريقنا الأساسي بشغف و إخلاص.
حركة مناهضة العنصرية هي حركة شعبيّة أنشأتها جهات شبابيّة ناشطة في لبنان بالتعاون مع عمّال وعاملات أجانب. نعمل معًا في الحركة على توثيق الممارسات العنصرية والتحقيق فيها وفضحها ومحاربتها من خلال مبادرات وحملات عديدة. تمّ إطلاق حركة مناهضة العنصرية عام 2010 عقب حادثة وقعت في أحد أكثر المنتجعات البحرية الخاصّة المعروفة في بيروت.