In other news, Ethiopian maid found hanging in South Lebanon
This happened today.
Lest we not forget that there are many tragedies in this country.
This happened today.
Lest we not forget that there are many tragedies in this country.
حين نقول ان في فرنسا عنصرية، يلخّص ذلك الكثير من الأشياء، من جمل صغيرة “غير خطيرة”، وصولاً إلى جرائم القتل. إليكم، بعض القصص التي عايشتها، أو رُويت لي، أو قرأت عنها
عقدت الشبكة العربية لحقوق المهاجرين إجتماعها الاقليمي الثالث في ١٤و١٥ كانون الاول/ديسمبر ٢٠١٣ في دولة الكويت للتداول بأبرز ما يتعرض له العمال المهاجرون في دول المنطقة العربية من إنتهاكاتٍ صارخة لحقوقهم ولا سيما ظاهرة التوقيف الإداري والإبعاد.
“Part of understanding racial anxiety is simply naming it,” says Alexis McGill Johnson, executive director of the American Values Institute.
and more on buzzfeed. Here is the tumblr.
A few examples, out of many, of what the new package of racism, xenophobia, painful ignorance and holy disgust looks like, in the words of a few Lebanese, some, journalists.
The people in this video do not represent everyone else in Lebanon. They (and mostly, he) are an embarrassment for us and human kind.
رهاب السوريين»، ليس بوافد جديد على الإعلام اللبناني.
At the Anti-Racism Movement (ARM), we are constantly working on a multitude of different activities and initiatives. Most of our activities are only possible with the help of dedicated and passionate volunteers who work in collaboration with our core team.
The Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) was launched in 2010 as a grassroots collective by young Lebanese feminist activists in collaboration with migrant workers and migrant domestic workers.
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