Urgent Call: IOM Should Open Shelters for Displaced and Stranded Migrant Workers in Lebanon
We need urgent intervention to ensure that an emergency shelter is set up by the IOM for stranded and displaced migrant workers and communities in Lebanon.
We need urgent intervention to ensure that an emergency shelter is set up by the IOM for stranded and displaced migrant workers and communities in Lebanon.
In 2023, ARM took on a research project to try and discover how the economic crisis changed the perceptions of the Kafala system in Lebanon.
Our Annual Report for 2022 is out! It was a turbulent year for ARM, migrant workers, and refugees in Lebanon as violence towards civil society, activists, and social movements increased.
The state keeps propagating the fear of the other, while turning a blind eye to crimes against women, and other perceived minorities including refugees and migrants.
To respond to the impact of the coronavirus and economic crises on migrant workers, ARM is planning interventions for basic needs assistance including food and hygiene kits and advocacy to prevent evictions. We are calling for volunteers to help us in the following projects:
On International Women’s Day, International Labour Organization (ILO) regional director for Arab States Dr. Ruba Jaradat calls on societies and governments to recognize the contribution of women care workers who uphold our economies.
It is enough to look at the mistreatment of domestic workers, especially from Asia and Africa, to understand that Lebanon has a racism problem that goes beyond the discrimination of refugees.
Over the past 10 years, international organizations and NGOs in the Middle East have launched advocacy campaigns, submitted legislative proposals, and offered a variety of legal and socio-medical services to migrant domestic workers.
Today, June 16, Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA) joins domestic workers and all who struggle with them in celebrating the International Domestic Workers Day.
At the Anti-Racism Movement (ARM), we are constantly working on a multitude of different activities and initiatives. Most of our activities are only possible with the help of dedicated and passionate volunteers who work in collaboration with our core team.
The Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) was launched in 2010 as a grassroots collective by young Lebanese feminist activists in collaboration with migrant workers and migrant domestic workers.
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