Today a #starbucks employee kicked a lil 9yr old Syrian refugee girl in the back cz she was trying to sell customers chocolate bars! #Beirut
Today a #starbucks employee kicked a lil 9yr old Syrian refugee girl in the back cz she was trying to sell customers chocolate bars! #Beirut
Don’t miss those 2 documentaries, both on very heartfelt issues.
لم توفر مجموعة شبابية من منظمات وجمعيات مدنية عدة، لبنانية وفلسطينية وسورية، أمس الدولة اللبنانية من جهة وبعض الشعب اللبناني من جهة ثانية، في اعتصام أمام المتحف الوطني نادى بسقوط «العنصرية والأنظمة» وبحياة «الشعوب الثائرة».
هي ليست المرّة الأولى التي يتجوّل بعربته في الأشرفيّة، لم يشعر بالغضب الذي قد يولّده توافد الحشود إلى السفارة السوريّة للانتخاب.
Full pdf document of UNDP’s on this link.
The word “foreign” is not a retribution
When will we ever learn to deal with such problems in a civilized manner?
If anyone can help us take action by removing this shameful sign, please send us a message
BEIRUT: Public outrage over a Facebook page titled “Neo-Nazis against Syrian Refugees,” led dozens to call for its closure Thursday.
At the Anti-Racism Movement (ARM), we are constantly working on a multitude of different activities and initiatives. Most of our activities are only possible with the help of dedicated and passionate volunteers who work in collaboration with our core team.
The Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) was launched in 2010 as a grassroots collective by young Lebanese feminist activists in collaboration with migrant workers and migrant domestic workers.
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