Beautiful New Initiative
We need more people like this. And more personal initiatives like that.
We need more people like this. And more personal initiatives like that.
“I am apprehensive about the situation of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon.”
قال الوزير جبران باسيل لـ”الجمهورية”: إنّ رئيس الحكومة وعدنا بإجراءات حاسمة وغير مسبوقة لكنّنا لن نعطي رأينا قبل النتائج.
اعلنت بلدية بطشيه المرداشة قضاء بعبدا ومنذ الأربعاء الماضي عن منع تجوال لكافة الأجانب القاطنين ضمن نطاق البلدة يوميًا من الساعة الثامنة والنصف وحتى فجر اليوم التالي
ردا على الخطاب العنصري تجاه اللاجئين السوريين
In Syria, Muayid dreamed of becoming an international lawyer, but now the 16-year old says the bullying he faces at school in Lebanon is so bad he hopes to drop out at the end of this year.
At the Anti-Racism Movement (ARM), we are constantly working on a multitude of different activities and initiatives. Most of our activities are only possible with the help of dedicated and passionate volunteers who work in collaboration with our core team.
The Anti-Racism Movement (ARM) was launched in 2010 as a grassroots collective by young Lebanese feminist activists in collaboration with migrant workers and migrant domestic workers.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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